
We’re working towards having a bunch of distributors around Tasmania by later in 2024. In the meantime, you can order our biochar below and collect it various POP-UP Shops and delivery hubs around Tassie.

Our current Pop-Up and delivery schedule is as follows:

5-6 September: East Coast – St Helens and Falmouth, private addresses
25-26 September: North West Coast – Wynyard
20 October: Hobart area – Best Mix Garden Supplies, Mornington
9 November: Kingston – Rare and Fancy Plant Sale, Kingborough Hub

If you are in an area not mentioned, and you can rustle up a group order of 25 x 20 litre bags or more, we’ll come to you, and throw in a little workshop / demo / info session at the pickup location! Get in touch if you’d like to chat about options.

Please note: all prices are in AUD($) and are inclusive of GST.

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